Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Donate Food to Charity Before You Move

Moving is a daunting task, even when we just have to think about moving our valuables, furniture, pets and families. The to-do list is endless before a move, and packing up food before a move can not seem worth the effort. It is especially difficult if you are moving into a smaller place place. Half of your items are going in self storage, and with a smaller kitchen or pantry you can't imagine fitting all your canned goods and other food items into the new space.

Starting your food stocking from scratch can be a good idea in a new kitchen. This doesn't mean that you should chuck all of the items in your pantry. Consider dropping off unwanted food at your local food bank or a church. They will make sure it is distributed to people in need.

One in seven household in the United States as of 2013 find themselves not sure of how they're going to make it to the next paycheck when it comes to food. Throwing away food when people are hungry seems like a major shame. Your small donation can make the biggest difference in the world to families going through hard times in your community.

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