Monday, December 3, 2012

What To Know Before Renting A Storage POD

A storage POD is seen as one of the most convenient methods of reducing the level of clutter in a home and can also be used to temporarily store goods as a family moves house. There are almost 50,000 storage facilities located in the United States which makes up approximately 80% of the world’s units. The nature of storage PODs makes them very popular in the United States but it is unwise to simply pick the first one you see. After all, depending on where you live, it is likely that you have a range of choice so here are a few things to consider before choosing a company that provides storage PODs.

How Much Will You Store?: This is a pertinent question because the last thing you need is to choose a small storage POD only to find that you need to store more goods. Rent a storage unit large enough to cope with the demand of extra goods over the course of time.
Cost: The quality of storage PODs throughout the United States varies significantly and if you need a climate controlled and secure unit, expect to pay much more. You can opt for a cheap and cheerful option if your possessions are not of great value.
Insurance: A large proportion of storage POD companies will not offer independent property insurance so it is important to find out if your homeowner’s insurance covers any goods stored offsite.
Security: Unfortunately, there are a number of storage POD facilities that provide inadequate security. If you plan on storing valuable items, you will need a location that provides 24/7 security, CCTV coverage and requires specific ID to enter. In some cases, thieves will rent out a space to get into the compound. To deal with such situations, you will need a storage unit that allows you to double lock your unit for peace of mind. Additionally, try and find out if the company in question runs strict background checks on all their employees. A great deal of theft is perpetrated internally so you need to be sure that the company is doing its best to stop this from happening.
Gimmicks: Beware the storage POD facility that offers an unbelievably low introductory rate. It is common for such businesses to dramatically increase their fees within a few months. Carefully read the contract before you sign and pay particular attention to the small print. Many customers skip this step and pay dearly for it later.
Facilities: Aside from the security arrangements, you also need to know more about the standard of container. Ensure that it is waterproof and if you have expensive items to store, you may want a climate controlled facility. While this will cost extra, it will be worth it to protect your goods.

A storage POD is a low-cost solution to the problem of storing goods but you need to thoroughly research the company you are dealing with or else you could pay a high price later on. When the safety of your personal possessions is at stake, it is important to leave no stone unturned.

Be sure to use a pods promo code and you can save 5% off moving or storage costs.

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