Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Deal with High Gas Prices on a Move

We didn't think that moving could any worse, but then gas prices started to go up and up. No matter where you go gas is expensive, but some filling stations offer cheaper gas prices than others. If you plan ahead, you can save some money from going into your fuel tank by searching for the best gas prices.

If you have a smart phone you can search the cheapest gas prices while you are on your way to your destinations. We recommend looking for the best gas prices here. If you are using a smart phone you can install the Gas Buddy app. The app will take your GPS coordinates to determine the cheapest gas that is close to you.

Without a smart phone or wifi device you will need to plan a little ahead. Before you depart for your move you should choose to get gas at certain stops. Enter the address on gas buddy then plan out which stations you will stop on the way to your new home.

There is a way to avoid paying for high gas prices of moving all your stuff! You can hire movers who will take into account gas prices when you are paying. This way you don't have to worry about filling up the moving van, and you can have help moving all of your stuff.

Wait one second though! Some movers will charge extra depending on weight and distance. When you sign the contract you should ask if they have any extra surprise charges. Even if they say "no" you should read the contract you sign very closely. As usual when you are choosing a mover it is good to make sure they have no bad reports with the BBB.

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