Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Deal with the Stress of a Move

Our species stopped being nomadic, or free moving societies, about 13,000 years ago around the invention of agriculture and well... beer!  We can call civilization as we know it the ultimate hangover, and blame our hatred of moving on old human habits. Don't feel bad if you are feeling stressed about your move, because you aren't certainly the first one who has felt like they are on the cusp of a mental breakdown in the middle of a move.  Or if you are like me you begin to panic when you have to reassemble everything into the new home, because you weren't the tidiest of packers who mix books, silverware and everything else together somehow.  By the way, that is why this site recommends packing related items together, but it is easier to give advice than follow it sometimes. 

How to Make Moving Less Stressful 

In this section we will go over some services that will make the moving process go a lot easier.  Many people, including myself at times, can not afford these services, especially if we are moving somewhere more expensive.  There is a section below this for those who are penny pinchers, broke or just rather do it ourselves. 

  • Move Out Cleaners: Even people who are completely enthusiastic about tidiness can find it daunting to clean up their apartment/house/condo after finally moving everything out of it.  Besides the fact you are probably tired from the process,  you won't get to enjoy the benefits of cleaning and sanitizing everything.  Move out cleaners will sanitize and clean all the appliances and rooms in your house.  Even if you are on a tight budget splurging on move out cleaners can at least eliminate one stressful part of the move.  Look here for more on move out cleaners, and be directed to move out cleaners in your area.
  • Declutter Before You Move Out:  If you are one of those people who seem to collect a bunch of useless stuff, it may be time to ditch the junk when you move.  Moving is stressful enough with out having to pack, unpack then reorganize STUFF that you just don't need anymore.  Sometimes you hold on to stuff because of sentimental value or just because you haven't gotten around to throwing it out.  When I moved out of my college apartment I finally decided it was time to ditch all the copies of my university paper that I wrote for.  While it was cool to see my name and articles in actual print, it just wasn't worth keeping them anymore, especially since I have a digital record of all these papers.  So I feel your pain, it is hard to let go of stuff sometimes.  To get rid of stuff you could try to do a yard sale or sell things on craigslist.  If you don't have time to sell your junk you could give it to good will or local charities.  If you have the money you could consider hiring a junk removal team who will haul away stuff that you don't want.  
  • Hire someone to Do it For You:  I personally have not ever gone this route.  My form of hiring a move out crew is buying a couple cases of beer in exchange for friends hauling my stuff to the new place.  There are lots of companies to choose from to help you with your moving out process.  Choosing a moving company can by a difficult task, but here are some guidelines you can follow to make choosing a moving company less scary.

Different Exercises to De-Stress 

Some of us may not have it in our budgets to hire help while we are moving or we'd rather spend money on something else.  Or you may be one of those people who feel that hiring people ends up being more stress than it is worth in the long run.  Here are some free tips on ways to relax.

  • Meditate.  Even if it is just for one minute a day, this practice as show to lower stress levels. Even if you don't have the time, you must have one minute you can spare.  If finding a quiet place is tricky try closing yourself in the bathroom if you need to.  Once, you find your relaxing spot sit or lie down, whatever is comfortable.  The first step is to relax.  Scan your body while releasing one muscle at a time.  While you are doing this focus on your breath and nothing else.  If thoughts creep up in your head try to get rid of them.  After a minute, or more if you desire, slowly come back to reality.  Focus on your muscles awakening and wiggles your toes and fingers.  Acknowledge that it is a good thing that you took one minute out of your day to better your health. 
  • Plan Ahead.  If you have a tendency to procrastinate, try not to.  The more we have to rush the process of moving, the more stressful it can be.  Start packing items in your house, like books, movies, decoration, early on, so that they are out of the way.  Make sure that you have decided what boxes you need and want long before the move.  One way to make sure that you do not put everything off until the last minute is to make a check list of things you need to do.  Try to check off at least one item from your list everyday.  On the day of moving think of all the things you don't have to do right then, because you dealt with them in advanced.  Make sure to congratulate yourself on these accomplishments. 
  • Exercise. When you are stressed exercising may be the last one thing you want to do, but it can benefit you physically and mentally.  When we exercise it releases endorphins that give you a feeling of euphoria.  Whether you want to hit the gym or go on a walk it will help you get past this move. 

1 comment:

JerryK said...

The most stressful part of moving for us was definitely finding the most secure self storage units. It was more difficult than I had anticipated.But we hired help like you suggest, and it did help an amazing amount. It was incredible!