Monday, December 19, 2011

Finding a 1-800-Packrat Promotional Code that Really Works

I decided to reserve a portable storage unit to clear out my living room while it gets remodeled early next year. After comparing Pods and 1-8oo-Packrat and a couple of other companies, I decided to go with Packrat. Why? They are cheaper and have a guaranteed delivery time. They also seem to have better customer reviews, even though I don't know if you can trust any reviews you read online. Anyway, I started looking for a 1-800-packrat promotional code, but am having a hard time finding a code really works. I went to lots of coupon code sites, but they either didn't have a code or it didn't reduce the quote I received from the 1-800-packrat website. But I finally found a 1-800 pack rat promo code that really works, so I thought I'd share it with others.

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