Is the state of your small home office starting to drive you
crazy? Maybe you are even considering getting a dumpster or hiring out self storage? One of the best ways to avoid needing to throw things away or hiring out self storage is by utilizing all the space that our homes has to offer. A fun way to approach this method of interior decor is by giving your home office a face lift!
The following are some ways for normal people to approach a new home office set up to make the office pretty and useful at the same time. Not all of us are natural born Martha Stewarts, but that doesn't mean that we can't get professional home decorating results for our home offices with just a little bit of effort.
Choose a Theme Color
Choose one color to add stylish and attractive accents to your new home office design. Make sure not to overdo it, because a little bit of color goes a long way. Keep this color in mind when you are selecting home office furniture, paintings or anything else. You can even add an orange cat to the family if that happens to be your theme color, but that may just be the crazy cat lady in me coming out.
Set a Budget
Know how much time and money you are willing to spend to re-decorate your home office. This will give you guidelines to go by as you proceed through the marvelous/painful process of re-decorating.
One of my favorite places to brainstorm for any home decoration is at IKEA. There displays give viewers great idea on how to best make use of a space. Write down or draw out what you are envisioning your office to look like when you finish. Don't be afraid to alter course along the way.
Office storage, office furniture and even the walls can all benefit from a splash of color. Keep in mind if you plan to paint, how much time you are willing to dedicate to renovating your home office. Painting office shelves is a lot easier than painting an entire room!
Self Storage for Your Home Office
One of the best ways to re-organize and expand the space of a room is by adding storage shelves, storage racks or storage cabinets. You can hunt for cheap versions of these at Ikea or even yard sales. Consider getting office storage in fun shapes or various sizes to give the room a simple touch of creativity and style. If you are feeling industrious, you can add a splash of color by buying color storage shelves. Or even paint the storage shelves yourself!
New Home Office Furniture
If you need it, getting new home office furniture can amp up the style of your room. For those on a budget, you can search craigslist, Ikea or yard sales to get great deals. Make sure that every piece of home office furniture has a purpose, because too much furniture can add unnecessary clutter to a room.
Give Away, Sell or Donate Extra Stuff in Your Home Office
If you have any excess junk in your office, it is time to let that stuff go. Many of us are closet hoarders, so it is time to make like a Buddhist monk and minimize the worthless junk in our lives. If you are not going to use an item in the foreseeable future, it is probably time to toss it.
Take Your Time Re-Decorating Your Home Office
As we speak, I am in the process of re-organizing and re-decorating my own home office. It has been one month now, but I still can't say that it is completely finished due to lack of budget and time. Be kind to yourself by allowing yourself plenty of time to complete the project. Beating yourself up for not instantly changing your home office around in one day like some version of Mary Poppins is not helpful. Even with a spoon full of sugar cough syrup tastes bad anyways Mary Poppins, so what does she know anyways!
1 comment:
Great advice, it is important to make sure that your home office is organised so you can be as productive as possible. Like you have said, self storage can really come in useful when re-decorating any room in your house to help get your things out of your way. One of the services many self storage companies offer is document storage which can come in really useful when trying to clear out your office.
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