Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Avoid Injury while Moving

Back Sprains are a Very Common Injury During Moves
Before You Move ANYTHING!

Anyone who has ever moved will tell you how draining physically and mentally relocating can be. It is imperative to your sanity and health that you try to avoid injuring yourself during a move. If you are moving  your stuff by yourself you should be prepared to work every muscle in your body. In this post I will give your preventative measure before, during and after your to make sure that you don't hurt yourself. 
There are two major things that you can do to stop injury from messing up your move. Both are quite simple, maybe even obvious to some, but it is good to go over the basic. 

Box Size

One of the biggest favors you can do you and your back is to pack boxes at a reasonable weight. While moving it is a common mistake to over-pack boxes making it a strain to lift them. Even if you don't injure yourself, it makes the move a lot more stressful on your body (and anyone else who is helping you). Here are some strategies to help pack boxes effectively.  The main thing to keep in mind is that you will need to move not just one box, but every single box you pack. Try to pack at a weight that will not kill you!  


Stretching can help to loosen your muscles before moving which will help avoid injuries.. Moving is physical exercise, so you need to warm up accordingly to prevent injury. Warmed up and stretched muscles are a lot less likely to sustain injury tham muscles that go from being at rest to tight and rigid from lifting heavy boxes and furniture. Below are some basic stretches that you can preform to loosen the muscles you will be using to move, however there are many more stretches that you can preform then the ones outlined here.  Here is a website that outlines many stretches that may be useful to you

  • Pretzel
         This stretch will loosen up your shoulder and back.  It feel great and easy to do! First step is to sit down then extend your right leg. You cross the left leg over so the foot is next to the knee  and upper-calf. Next you your torso to the left using your right arm as leverage against the bent left knee to deepen the stretch even further. Repeat on the other side. 

Lady Preforming a Pretzel and Stretching Out Her Back

  • Shoulder Stretch 
           Your shoulders will be super sore after a move! This is a great move to do before and   after a move. Bring your left arm across you body. Now place your right hand above the elbow and apply pressure gently to stretch out the shoulder. Repeat on the others side.  

Shoulder Stretch Done Correctly by a Professional 

  • Bottom Stretch
           During a move you will use your thighs and rump a lot to help lift boxes and furniture. It is important that you utilize the muscles to avoid wearing out your arms, shoulder and leg too much. This stretch helps loosen your glutes and thigh to prepare them for all the work they'll be doing.
           To preform this stretch lay on your back. Cross your left foot over your right knee. Now lift your right thigh while gently pulling the thigh with your hands. You should feel this all along the muscles on your bottom. Preform this stretch on both legs. 
Stretching Out the Glutes
Rules For Lifting Large Objects 

Now that you have all the information needed to prepare your body for a move, lets go over some basic guidelines on how to lift and move stuff. These rules will help you not just in moving, but anytime you need to lift anything heavy.

  •  When you lift a box bend at the knees and keep your back straight. The key is to lift with you legs not with your back, shoulders and arms. 
  •  Use your center of gravity when you are lifting anything. This means carrying items close to the middle of your body, around  your torso. 
  •  Listen to your body. If something feel terribly uncomfortable, your body is trying to give you a sign. If it feels wrong STOP. Take a break! Readjust if you are going to try lifting the item again. 
  • Take your time! Running around with boxes, furniture or anything, if you are in a hurry, can lead to tripping, breaking and all sorts of unpleasant verbs that we are trying to avoid. 
  • If an item is too heavy get someone to help you. Doing a move by yourself is nearly impossible, so hopefully you have someone around. If you don't know anyone try asking a neighbor or coworker. 
  •  Do NOT twist or stoop while carrying something. This will cause weaker muscles to have to do the lifting of the box which can lead to a muscle strain.
Happy Moving!

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