On a side note I had an awful experience choosing storage on Craigslist. The place was in a bad part of town with absolutely no security on the weekends. I recommend visiting this site to find a great place to store your stuff.
1) Before you go look at your apartment call the person. Make sure that their gender matches their name, so that they aren't lying. This also gives you a chance to ask them any questions that might have come up. If you don't have any questions that came up, make something up so you have a reason for calling.
2) When you do go to look at the space take someone with you, preferably someone big and mean. The buddy system is always a good one. Also, make sure one of you has a cell phone.
3) If you are rooming with a stranger make sure you know their lifestyle habits, and that you are comfortable with living with the person. Ask them about their job, relationship status, hours they keep. I had a friend who moved in with a guy that ended up to be a bartender. This would have been fine, but he always brought people home for work. She wasn't comfortable with having strangers in the house all the time. If she had asked what he did beforehand she may not have ever moved in.
The same goes for you. Make sure that your roommate knows your habits, occupation, etc, so you do not end up moving out due to your roomie not liking your lifestyle choices.
4) Don't be too scared! If you are too scared to try craigslist, I understand. You should know that LOTS of transactions are completed safely on Craigslist daily. Not everyone is a craigslist killer! Trust your instincts and be safe!
On a lighter note here is a Funny Video with Craigslist Safety Tips.
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