Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reasons for using self storage

There are many reasons why people need self storage. Some people need extra storage space while moving, some need self storage temporarily, and some just need more space permanently. Following are some of the reasons why people need and use self storage.

Selling a home:

Self storage can be really useful when selling your home. After all, most people know that the less cluttered your home is the more spacious it appears. This appearance of extra living space in your home often translates into buyers paying a higher price for the home. This is why one of the first recommendations you will receive from your real estate agent prior to putting your home on the market is to "de clutter" your home.

This is where self storage units can come in handy as you pack away furniture and other items that are really not needed in the home. Some home owners even store all of their belongings and rent newer more modern furniture just for the sale period.

People who accumulate:

Many people simply can’t throw things away and save everything. Hoarding is about the fear of throwing something away that you might need someday. People who experienced the great depression of the 1930's have passed down the need to save everything…just incase. Many people rent self storage space so they can continue to collect items that they can no longer store in their home. Self storage units offer these people an opportunity to clear some space at home and still fulfill their need for retaining and gathering items. Because self storage can be rented on a month by month basis it is easy for customers to increase or decrease the amount of storage space they need.

Building a new home:

While building your new home you can stay with in-laws or a temporary apartment, but chances are there won’t be room for all of your possessions. People using secure self storage to store all of their belongings while they build a new home is very common.
People who use self storage during this period like the flexibility of month to month renting due to the uncertainty of when their new home will be completed. Customers also like the fact that they can increase their storage space at any time allowing them extra room to purchase and store new furniture for their home.


People often choose to travel for either work or pleasure for extended periods. In fact, I’m off to do this myself in just a couple of months. Some people choose to rent out their house during this period, and others just feel more secure placing their possessions into a secure self storage facility. If the move overseas is work related often the company pays the bills and will require quotes. A good self storage company will be able to visit your home, provide a free quote and submit it professionally to the company responsible for making the payments.

Lifestyle and hobbies:

Self storage can also provide those with various hobbies the space to indulge in their favorite activities away from children or unsympathetic partners. This may include building trains and tracks, woodworking, or any number of activities that require extra space. With extended access hours to visit your self storage space, excellent security, a variety of sizes and units to choose from at reasonable rates, self storage can provide that extra space you have always wanted.

New York Self storage
Raleigh self storage
Orlando self storage
Atlanta self storage

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